A night to reach the 70% of youth that walk away from church.

You read that right.

Is this statistic any surprise? It shouldn't be, considering the fact that high schoolers are constantly inundated with messages that lure them away from the church. Today's culture is defined by moral relativism - the idea that anyone can have their own truth - and it has become a rampant and wildly popular belief. As a result, the booming industries of pornography and alcohol, coupled with the ever-growing voices coming from the atheists and LGBTQ movements are rendering our student's faith obsolete, ineffective and useless. All of this means that Satan is luring our youth away from the faith at a staggering rate!

Host a night at your youth group.

What is it?

A “STINT Takeover” is a special night in which the Todd Becker Foundation team will “take over” your normal weekly youth group time and offer a special worship experience and a powerful message from God's word, including testimonies from current STINT interns.

Where is it?

The night takes place at your normal youth group meeting location.


The event is intended to awaken the 70% of youth group students who are projected to leave the church. This night challenges students to take their faith seriously while also offering the opportunity for students to grow in their faith after high school by joining the STINT internship after graduation.

How Much?

A “STINT Takeover” is a cost-free event. However, donations are very much appreciated. Suggested donations range anywhere from $500-$700 dollars to help cover the cost of fuel and other related expenses. We are grateful for whatever a church is able to provide, if possible.

Book your right away!

Contact us today to schedule a night your youth won't forget!

Email: chris@toddbecker.org

Call: 1-800-983-2644